AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE Tablosundaki hatalar ve detayları
AP modülünde interface tablosuyla fatura oluştururken hata durumlarıyla karşılaşabiliriz.
Bu gibi durumlarda ap_invoices_interface tablosunun “STATUS” alanı “rejected” olur.
Peki bu hata detayını nasıl bulabiliriz.Ağağıdaki sorgudan standart hatayı görebiliriz.
Select aii.Invoice_num , air.PARENT_TABLE, air.REJECT_LOOKUP_CODE, air.parent_id
WHere aii.invoice_id=aili.invoice_id
AND aili.invoice_id=air.parent_id
AND aii.Invoice_num = ‘p_fatura_no’
Yine buradan dönen hata bazen bize bir şey ifade etmeyebilir.Hata detaylarını aşağıdaki yazıda biraz daha ayrıntılı olarak görebilirsiniz.
- Account Required. Accounting information is missing for this line.
- Acct Date Beyond Enc Year. Accounting date (ACCOUNTING_DATE) is beyond the encumbrance year and the Use PO Encumbrance Financials option is enabled.
- Acct Date Not In Open Pd. Accounting date (ACCOUNTING_DATE) is not in an open period.
- Amount Billed Would Be Below Zero. This transaction would reduce the amount billed on the purchase order to below zero.
- Amount Unpaid Too Small. The prepayment amount that you are trying to apply (PREPAY_APPLY_AMOUNT) exceeds the invoice amount.
Note: For invoices that include prepayments (that is, the invoice amount has already been reduced by the amount of the prepayment) the prepayment amount cannot exceed the unpaid invoice amount.
- Applying More Than Avail. You are applying a prepayment to the invoice and the amount you are applying is greater than the prepayment amount available for application. You can see a prepayment’s available amount in the Amount Remaining field of the invoices window, or on the Prepayments Status Report. See:Prepayments Status Report.
- Can Match To Only 1 Line. You tried to match to a purchase order line by providing a value for ITEM_DESCRIPTION or INVENTORY_ITEM_ID, and the purchase order has more than one line that matches the item. Enter a value for either PO_LINE_NUMBER or PO_LINE_ID instead.Or, your value in VENDOR_ITEM_NUM is the only purchase order-related column, with a value and multiple purchase order lines exist with this value.Or, the combination of VENDOR_ITEM_NUM and the entered INVENTORY_ITEM_ID exist on multiple purchase order lines, but no single purchase order line can be determined.
- Cannot Apply Zero or Neg. You cannot enter a value for the prepayment application amount (PREPAY_APPLY_AMOUNT) that is either zero or a negative number.
- Cannot Apply/Unapply Zero. The prepayment application amount (PREPAY_APPLY_AMOUNT) was a nonzero number that, when rounded based on the currency code of the prepayment, became zero. You cannot apply a zero amount prepayment.
- Cannot Incl Tax. You have matched this invoice line to a purchase order, and you have provided a value for Amount Includes Tax. Purchase order lines do not include tax so you cannot include tax.
- Can’t Prorate to Zero. You cannot prorate across lines that sum to zero.
- Different Match Options. You matched to a purchase order line, and the shipments have different match options (purchase order and receipt).
- Doc Cat not Req. The Sequential Numbering profile option is set to “Not Used”, and you have entered a value for DOC_CATEGORY_CODE.
- Dupl Inv Num In Import. Duplicate invoice number for this supplier already exists in this import.
- Duplicate Invoice Number. Invoice number for this supplier already exists in Payables.
- Duplicate Line Number. Duplicate values for an invoice line number (LINE_NUMBER) exist for this invoice.
- Duplicate Voucher. You attempted to assign a voucher number to an invoice and another invoice already exists with the same voucher number.
- GLOBAL_ATTR_Value_Found. You have installed a localized version of Payables and you provided an invalid value in the GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY column.
- Inactive AWT Group. Inactive automatic withholding tax group (AWT_GROUP_ID or AWT_GROUP_NAME).
- Inactive Currency Code. Inactive currency code (INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE).
- Inactive Distribution Set. Inactive distribution set (DISTRIBUTION_SET_ID or DISTRIBUTION_SET_NAME).
- Inactive Pay Curr Code. Inactive payment currency code (PAYMENT_CURRENCY_CODE).
- Inactive PO Num. Inactive purchase order number (PO_NUMBER).
- Inactive Terms. Inactive payment terms (TERMS_ID or TERMS_NAME).
- Inconsistent Allocation Information. You cannot allocate charge lines on an invoice to both receipts and to items on that invoice.
- Inconsistent AWT Group. Values exist for Automatic Tax Withholding group in the following columns, and the groups do not match: (AWT_GROUP_ID) and (AWT_GROUP_NAME).
- Inconsistent Curr. You tried to match an invoice record to a purchase order that has a different currency. Invoice and purchase order currency must be the same.
- Inconsistent Dist Acct. Values exist for distribution account in the following columns and the accounts do not match: (DIST_CODE_CONCATENATED) and (DIST_CODE_COMBINATION_ID).
- Inconsistent Dist Info. You can provide account information by using only one of the following sources: account, Distribution Set, proration, projects information, purchase order matching.
- Inconsistent Dist Set. Values exist for distribution set in the following columns and the distribution sets do not match: (DISTRIBUTION_SET_ID) and (DISTRIBUTION_SET_NAME).
- Inconsistent Exch Rate Info. Values exist for both EXCHANGE_RATE and NO_XRATE_BASE_INFO. You can enter a value for only one of these two columns. Payables calculates one of these two values based on the other value and the INVOICE_AMOUNT. Delete one of the values depending on your system setup and which column value you want Payables to calculate.
- Inconsistent Info Entered. Your Use Multiple Currencies Payables option is not enabled and you have entered a currency that is not your Functional currency.
- Inconsistent Inv Type/Amt. Invoice type lookup code and invoice amount are inconsistent. For example, you enter a Credit invoice with a positive value for the invoice amount.
- Inconsistent PO Dist Info. Values exist for purchase order distribution information in the following columns, and the information does not match: (PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID) and (PO_DISTRIBUTION_NUM).
- Inconsistent PO Info. Values exist for purchase order information in the following columns, and the information does not match: (PO_HEADER_ID) and (PO_NUMBER).
- Inconsistent PO Line Info. Values exist for purchase order line information in at least one of the following combinations of columns and the information does not match:
- PO_LINE_ID and PO_LINE_NUMBER do not match.
- VENDOR_ITEM_NUM and PO_LINE_ID do not match.
- VENDOR_ITEM_NUM and PO_LINE_NUMBER do not match.
- Inconsistent PO Shipment. Values exist for purchase order shipment information in the following columns, and the information does not match: (PO_LINE_LOCATION_ID) and (PO_SHIPMENT_NUM).
- Inconsistent PO Supplier. The value you provided for supplier does not match the supplier on the purchase order.
- Inconsistent Rate. Exchange rate type and exchange rate date do not match the exchange rate.
- Inconsistent Receipt Information. The RCV_TRANSACTION_ID you provided is not a valid value for the RECEIPT_NUMBER you provided.
- Inconsistent Release Info. You have provided values for both PO_RELEASE_ID and RELEASE_NUM and they do not match.
- Inconsistent Suppl Site. Values exist for supplier site in the following columns and the sites do not match: (VENDOR_SITE_ID) and (VENDOR_SITE_CODE).
- Inconsistent Supplier. Values exist for supplier in the following columns, and the suppliers do not match: VENDOR_ID, VENDOR_NUM, VENDOR_NAME.
- Inconsistent Terms Info. Values exist for terms information in the following columns and the information does not match: (TERMS_ID) and (TERMS_NAME).Or the invoice is matched to more than one purchase order directly, or indirectly through a receipt, and the terms on those purchase orders are different.
- Insufficient PA Info. You must provide values for all of the following Projects columns: PROJECT_ID, TASK_ID, EXPENDITURE TYPE, EXPENDITURE_ITEM_DATE, AND EXPENDITURE_ORGANIZATION_ID.
- Insufficient Receipt Information. Payables is unable to complete the match because the receipt information provided in columns RECEIPT_NUMBER and RCV_TRANSACTION_ID is not sufficient to identify a unique receipt transaction.
- Insufficient Prepay Info. You did not provide enough information to successfully apply a prepayment to the invoice. You must provide at least a prepayment amount or prepayment number.
- Inv Rate Overwritten. This is an informational message only. When the invoice was successfully imported, the import process overwrote the invoice exchange rate with a fixed rate, for example, the exchange rate with the euro.
- Inv Type Cannot Be AWT. Open Interface Import will not import invoices with an invoice type (INVOICE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE) of AWT (automatic withholding tax).
- Invalid Acct Overlay. The account created using the overlay feature with the following values Overlay GL Account, BALANCING_SEGMENT, COST_CENTER_SEGMENT, or ACCOUNT_SEGMENT is invalid.
- Invalid Assignment. You have entered a valid value for DOC_CATEGORY_CODE, but the document category does not have an active, automatic sequence assigned to it.
- Invalid AWT Group. Withholding tax group must be a valid value in AP_AWT_GROUPS.NAME.
- Invalid Currency Code. This must be a valid value for currency code in FND_CURRENCIES.CURRENCY_CODE.
- Invalid Dist Set With PO. If the invoice is matched to a purchase order, the line cannot contain a distribution set (DISTRIBUTION_SET_ID or DISTRIBUTION_SET_NAME).
- Invalid Distribution Acct. This must be a valid value for account in the GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS table.
- Invalid Distribution Set. The distribution set must be a valid value in AP_DISTRIBUTION_SETS.
- Invalid Doc Category. Payables uses the Invalid Category rejection for one of the following three reasons: 1) The Document Category Payables option is enabled and you have entered one of the following values for DOC_CATEGORY_CODE: ‘INT INV’, ‘MIX INV’, ‘DBM INV’, ‘CHECK PAY’, ‘CLEAR PAY’, ‘EFT PAY’, ‘FUTURE PAY’, ‘MAN FUTURE PAY’, ‘PREPAY INV’, ‘REC INV’, ‘WIRE PAY’, ‘EXP REP INV’, 2) You entered “Standard Invoices” as the DOC_CATEGORY_CODE and the invoice amount is less than zero, or you entered “Credit Memo Invoices” and the invoice amount is greater than zero. Or, 3) The document category specified is not valid in FND_DOC_SEQUENCE_CATEGORIES for AP_INVOICES or AP_INVOICES_ALL.
- Invalid Exch Rate Type. You used a non-User type exchange rate type, and you entered either an exchange rate or a value for the functional currency amount. Change the rate type to USER or delete the exchange rate or functional currency amount.
- Invalid Final Match Flag. You entered Yes as the value for FINAL_MATCH_FLAG and the Payables option of Allow Final Matching is not enabled or the Match Option on the purchase order shipment is to Match to Receipts.
- Invalid Inv Type Lookup. Invalid invoice type lookup code. Type must be either Standard or Credit.
- Invalid Invoice Amount. You did not provide a value for Invoice Amount.
- Invalid Invoice Quantity. You are attempting to match the invoice to a purchase order shipment, and the Quantity to be matched exceeds the available Quantity of the shipment by more then the tolerance you defined in the Invoice Tolerances window.
- Invalid Item. Invalid item (ITEM_DESCRIPTION, INVENTORY_ITEM_ID, VENDOR_ITEM_NUM). These values must match the purchase order PO_LINES_ALL.INVENTORY_ITEM_DESCRIPTION, PO_LINES_ALL.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID, or PO_LINES_ALL.VENDOR_PRODUCT_NUM. Or, you provided values for these columns and these values do not exist on a purchase order.
- Invalid Liability Acct. The liability account must be valid in the GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS table.
- Invalid Line Amount. Line amount not equal to Quantity x Unit Price.
- Invalid Line Type Lookup. Invalid value for LINE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE. You can use Item, Freight, Tax or Miscellaneous.
- Invalid Location Code. The value you entered for the SHIP_TO_LOCATION_CODE column is invalid.
- Invalid PA Acct. The account for this line could not be built by Account Generator.
- Invalid Pay Curr Code. Invalid payment currency code. This must be a valid value in FND_CURRENCIES.CURRENCY_CODE.
- Invalid Pay Group. The value you entered for Pay Group is invalid. The value must be a valid lookup value for Pay Group.
- Invalid Pay Method. This value must be one of the following: CHECK, CLEARING, EFT, WIRE. (To enter EFT in the Quick Invoices window, enter Electronic).
- Invalid PO Dist Num. Invalid purchase order distribution number. This must be a valid value in PO_DISTRIBUTIONS.DISTRIBUTION_NUM.
- Invalid PO Info. You provided values for more than one of the following, and the information does not match: PO receipt, PO header, PO line, PO release, and PO shipment.
- Invalid PO Line UOM. Invalid purchase order line Unit of Measure. This must be a valid value in PO_LINES.UNIT_MEAS_LOOKUP_CODE.
- Invalid PO Num. You can obtain a list of active, valid values for purchase order number from PO_HEADERS.SEGMENT1 or PO_HEADERS.PO_HEADER_ID.
- Invalid PO Release Info. You are matching to a blanket purchase order, and one of the values you provided for release number, shipment number, or line number is invalid.
- Invalid PO Release Num. You have provided an invalid value for either RELEASE_NUM or PO_RELEASE_ID.
- Invalid PO Shipment Num. Invalid purchase order shipment number. For example, the shipment is Cancelled or Finally Closed.
- Invalid Prepay Dist Info. You are trying to apply a prepayment to an invoice and you have provided invalid prepayment distribution information. One of the following conditions is true for the prepayment distribution specified (PREPAY_DIST_ID or PREPAY_DIST_NUMBER): 1) it is not an Item distribution, 2) it is a reversal, or 3) it does not exist.
- Invalid Prepayment Information. You are trying to apply a prepayment to an invoice and you have provided invalid prepayment information. For example, you may have specified an incorrect invoice number for the prepayment, or you may have specified a prepayment that is not available. Submit the Prepayments Status Report to get up-to-date information on available prepayments. See: Prepayments Status Report.
- Invalid Price/Quantity. The values for Unit Price, Quantity Invoiced, and Line amount are inconsistent. (Quantity Invoiced x Unit Price = Amount)
- Invalid Price Correction Invoice Num. You entered a value for PRICE_CORRECT_INV_NUM that is invalid. The value must be the invoice number of a valid base-matched invoice. See: Price Corrections.
- Invalid Quantity. The value for Quantity (QUANTITY_INVOICED) must be greater than zero for Standard type invoices.
- Invalid Receipt Information. You provided an invalid value in at least one of the following columns: RECEIPT_NUMBER and RCV_TRANSACTION_ID.
- Invalid Requester. The value for REQUESTER_ID does not correspond to a current, valid employee.
- Invalid Sequence. The document category you entered has a valid, automatic sequence assigned to it. However, Payables was unable to retrieve the next value from the sequence.
- Invalid Shipment Type. Shipment Type should be Blanket, Scheduled, or Standard, and the purchase order should be approved.
- Invalid Supplier. You can obtain a list of valid values for supplier from the PO_VENDORS table.
- Invalid Supplier Site. You can obtain a list of valid values for supplier site from the PO_VENDOR_SITES table.
- Invalid Terms. Invalid terms. Terms must be valid terms in AP_TERMS.TERMS_ID or AP_TERMS.TERMS_NAME.
- Invalid Type 1099. The value for TYPE_1099 is not a valid value.
- Invalid Unit Price. The value for Unit Price (UNIT_PRICE) must be greater than zero.
- Invalid Who Information. Invalid information in one of the following columns: LAST_UPDATED_DATE, LAST_UPDATED_BY, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN, CREATION_DATE, CREATED_BY.
- INVALID_GLOBAL_ATTR1-20. You have installed a localized version of Payables and you provided an invalid value in the GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY column.
- INVALID_GLOBAL_CONTEXT. You have installed a localization and the value you provided for the GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY column is not a valid value for the localization.
- Invoice Amount Incorrect. Invoice amount (AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE.INVOICE_AMOUNT) does not equal the sum of the line amounts (AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE.AMOUNT) for rows with the same INVOICE_ID. Only used for EDI invoices.
- Line Has Price Break. You are matching to a blanket purchase order release at the line level which has been set to allow price override. You have provided only line level data. Payables cannot identify the shipment to which it should match because shipments can have different prices. If you identify the shipment, then Payables can complete the match.
- Line Type Cannot Be AWT. Open Interface Import will not import an invoice if the LINE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE is AWT (automatic withholding tax).
- No Exchange Rate. The invoice currency is different from your functional currency, you have entered USER as the exchange rate type, and you have not entered a value for DEFAULT_EXCHANGE_RATE.
- No Invoice Lines. You must enter at least one invoice line to create an invoice. The line must have an INVOICE_ID that matches the INVOICE_ID of an invoice header.
- No PO Line Num. You matched the invoice to a multi-line purchase order, and you did not enter purchase order line number (PO_LINE_ID or PO_LINE_NUMBER).
- No PO Shipment Num. You matched the invoice to purchase order with multiple shipments and you did not specify a purchase order shipment number (PO_LINE_LOCATION_ID or PO_SHIPMENT_NUM), or you did not provide enough information for import to derive the shipment number by using values in other columns. For example, if the shipment has a unique Ship-to location for the purchase order, then you can match to the shipment by providing a Ship-to location (SHIP_TO_LOCATION_CODE) exactly as it appears on the shipment.
- No Price Correction PO Information. You entered a price correction but did not provide enough information for the system to identify which purchase order amount(s) you want to update.
- Nothing to Apply. No prepayment amount is available to apply.
- No Supplier. You did not identify the supplier in any of the following columns: VENDOR_ID, VENDOR_NUM, or PO_NUMBER.
- No Supplier Site. You did not identify the supplier site in any of the following columns: VENDOR_SITE_ID, VENDOR_SITE CODE, or PO_NUMBER.
- No Tax Code Combination. The tax code value you entered or which defaulted based on the Tax Code Default hierarchy does not have an account associated with it, and the system needs a tax account to create the distribution.
- No Terms Info. You did not specify payment terms in the import tables, the invoice is not matched to a purchase order, and you have not specified default payment terms for the supplier site.
- Non-Unique Location Code. You have provided a Ship-To location as the matching criterion and it is not unique. For example, you provided a Ship-To location of Boston, and Boston is the Ship-To location on three different shipments on the purchase order.
- Not Pay Site. The supplier site is not enabled as a pay site in the Supplier Sites window in Payables.
- Override Disallowed. The Sequential Numbering profile option is set to Partial or Always, you have entered a value for DOC_CATEGORY_CODE, and the Allow Document Category Override Payables option is disabled. You cannot enter a value in this column unless you enable the Allow Document Category Override Payables option.
- PA Flexbuild Failed. Account Generator did not build an account for the invoice.
- Pay X Rate Not Fixed. Invoice currency and payment currency are not associated fixed-rate currencies.
- Pay Rate Overwritten. You are paying the invoice in a related fixed-rate currency. You provided a value for payment cross rate which was incorrect. During import the value you entered was overwritten by the value stored in General Ledger.
- Price Correction Requires Invoice Num. You entered Y for PRICE_CORRECTION_FLAG. However, you did not provide a value for a base-matched invoice in the PRICE_CORRECT_INV_NUM column.
- Release Missing. You have matched to a blanket purchase order and you have not provided a value for Release Number.
- Site: No Terms. You did not specify payment terms in the import tables, the invoice is not matched to a purchase order, and you have not specified default payment terms for the supplier site.
- Skeleton Distribution. This line does not have a type of Item, and you tried to use a Skeleton distribution set.
- Unit Prc Not Equal to PO. Unit price does not equal the Unit Price on the Purchase Order within the tolerance you defined in the Invoice Tolerances window.
- UOM Does Not Match PO. Unit Of Measure does not match the Unit of Measure on the purchase order.
- UOM Does Not Match Receipt. Unit of Measure does not match the Unit of Measure on the receipt.
Mustafa Yılmaz
4 yıldan fazla bir zamandır Yazılım,3 yıldır Oracle E-Business Suite Uygulama Yazılımı
üzerinde Teknik Danışman Olarak profesyonel kariyerine devam
Mail: mustafayilmaz56@gmail.com
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