Satınalma Siparişinin Kapalı Statüsüne Getirilmesi (API)
Yazar Kaan Sertaç Bozatlı
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Satınalma siparişini CLOSE yada FINALLY CLOSE statülerine getirmek için aşağıdaki script’i kullanabilirsiniz.
DECLARE x_action CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (20) := 'FINALLY CLOSE'; -- Change this parameter as per requirement x_calling_mode CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (2) := 'PO'; x_conc_flag CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (1) := 'N'; x_return_code_h VARCHAR2 (100); x_auto_close CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (1) := 'N'; x_origin_doc_id NUMBER; x_returned BOOLEAN; CURSOR c_po_details IS SELECT pha.po_header_id, pha.org_id, pha.segment1, pha.agent_id, pdt.document_subtype, pdt.document_type_code, pha.closed_code, pha.closed_date FROM apps.po_headers_all pha, apps.po_document_types_all pdt WHERE pha.type_lookup_code = pdt.document_subtype AND pha.org_id = pdt.org_id AND pdt.document_type_code = 'PO' AND authorization_status = 'APPROVED' AND NVL(pha.closed_code,'OPEN') <> 'CLOSED' AND segment1 = 'XXXX'; -- Enter the PO Number if only one PO needs to be finally closed/Closed BEGIN fnd_global.apps_initialize (user_id => 0, resp_id => 0, resp_appl_id => 0); /*For more details on how to Initialize the session oracle Apps R-12 visit Initializing The Session Oracle Apps R-12 */ FOR po_head IN c_po_details LOOP mo_global.init (po_head.document_type_code); mo_global.set_policy_context ('S', po_head.org_id); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ( 'Calling PO_Actions.close_po for Closing/Finally Closing PO =>' || po_head.segment1); x_returned := po_actions.close_po (p_docid => po_head.po_header_id, p_doctyp => po_head.document_type_code, p_docsubtyp => po_head.document_subtype, p_lineid => NULL, p_shipid => NULL, p_action => x_action, p_reason => NULL, p_calling_mode => x_calling_mode, p_conc_flag => x_conc_flag, p_return_code => x_return_code_h, p_auto_close => x_auto_close, p_action_date => SYSDATE, p_origin_doc_id => NULL); IF x_returned = TRUE THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ( 'Purchase Order which just got Closed/Finally Closed is ' || po_head.segment1); COMMIT; ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ( 'API Failed to Close/Finally Close the Purchase Order'); END IF; END LOOP; END; |
Kaan Sertaç Bozatlı
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profesyonel kariyerine Oracle ERP Developer olarak devam etmektedir.
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