Browsing articles tagged with "create_phone - orasistem | Oracle E-Business Suite Paylaşım Platformu"

Telefon İletişim Bilgisi Oluşturma Örnek Scipti

Merhaba, Öncelikle aktarım yapacağımız listeyi bir tabloya gireriz.(xxtt.xxtt_is_cep_telefon) DECLARE ln_phone_id per_phones.phone_id%TYPE; ln_object_version_number per_phones.object_version_number%TYPE; CURSOR crs IS SELECT xx.person_id, xx.tel_number, xx.tip, xx.party_id FROM xxtt.xxtt_is_cep_telefon xx WHERE xx.person_id IS NOT NULL AND xx.employee_number = ‘1291’; BEGIN fnd_global.apps_initialize (2708, 50297, 800); FOR c1 IN crs LOOP hr_phone_api.create_phone (p_date_from => TO_DATE (’01-01-2000′), p_phone_type => c1.tip, p_phone_number => c1.tel_number, p_parent_id […]