
Sipariş Kopyalama İşlemi


Bu yazımda standart fonksiyonalitede olan siparişin bazı niteliklerinin değiştirilerek veya değiştirilmeden doğrudan kopyalanması işleminin script olarak örneğini bulabilirsiniz.

Aşağıdaki script ; belirlenmiş siparişlerin ilgili işlem kodu ile RMA (return material authorization) siparişine kopyalanması örneğidir .

--> constant variable ...
   l_hdr_type_id          NUMBER                                      := 8507;
                                                      --> sipariş tipi başlık
   l_line_type_id         NUMBER                                      := 8506;
                                                       --> sipariş satır tipi
   l_orj_header_id        NUMBER;
   l_return_reason_code   ont.oe_order_lines_all.return_reason_code%TYPE
                                                            := 'CANCELLATION'; --> iade oluşturma nedeni
   l_dummy                NUMBER;
   l_line_count           NUMBER;
   l_line_list            VARCHAR2 (2400);
   l_hdr_list             VARCHAR2 (2400);
   l_message              VARCHAR2 (2400);
   l_new_order            ont.oe_order_headers_all%ROWTYPE;
   l_query_header_id      NUMBER;
   l_return_status        VARCHAR2 (1);
   l_msg_count            NUMBER;
   p_msg_count            NUMBER;
   l_msg_data             VARCHAR2 (2000);
   l_copy_rec             oe_order_copy_util.copy_rec_type
                                           := oe_order_copy_util.get_copy_rec;
   l_copy_f_rec           oe_order_copy_util.copy_rec_type
                                           := oe_order_copy_util.get_copy_rec;
   l_msg                  VARCHAR2 (2000);
   CURSOR crs_order
      --> kopyalanmak istenen siparişlerin listesi
      SELECT oeh.header_id
        FROM oe_order_headers_all oeh
       WHERE 1 = 1
         AND oeh.org_id = 1634
         AND oeh.order_number IN
                (101988, 102641, 102750, 102233, 102770, 102827, 102852
                ,102853, 102855, 102856, 102882, 102879, 102878, 102886
                ,102883, 102885, 102979, 102983, 102997, 102996, 102984
                ,102981, 102982, 103250, 103324, 103358, 103356, 103357
                ,103351, 103364, 103348, 103354, 103367, 103349, 103353
                ,103352, 103347, 103359, 103360, 103355, 103365, 103448
                ,104310, 104306, 104304, 104301, 104305, 104300, 104299
                ,104308, 104347, 104345, 104350, 104343, 104338, 104340
                ,104344, 104346, 104399, 104438, 104437, 104432, 104400
                ,104439, 104441, 104455, 104440, 104442, 104456, 104454
                ,104540, 104529, 104542, 104534, 104546, 104531, 104532
                ,104536, 104533, 104541, 104538, 104547, 104537, 104545
                ,104522, 104528, 104525, 104524, 104574, 104526, 104521
                ,104527, 104571, 104523, 104573, 104520, 104580, 104594
                ,104595, 104590, 104605, 104592, 104593, 104601, 104603
   fnd_global.apps_initialize (0, 67425, 660);
   FOR rec IN crs_order
      l_copy_rec                            := l_copy_f_rec;
      l_line_count                          := 0;
      l_message                             := NULL;
      l_return_status                       := NULL;
      l_query_header_id                     := NULL;
      l_msg_data                            := NULL;
      l_line_list                           := NULL;
      l_hdr_list                            := NULL;
      l_msg                                 := NULL;
      l_hdr_type_id                         := 0;
      l_line_type_id                        := 0;
      l_orj_header_id                       := rec.header_id;
      --> cancelled olmayan sipariş satırları kopyalanmak üzere toplanır !
      FOR rec IN (SELECT *
                    FROM ont.oe_order_lines_all
                   WHERE 1 = 1
                     AND cancelled_flag = 'N'
                     AND header_id = l_orj_header_id)
         l_line_count    := l_line_count + 1;
         l_line_list     := l_line_list || ',' || rec.line_id;
      END LOOP;
      l_line_list                           := LTRIM (l_line_list, ',');
      l_hdr_list                            := TO_CHAR (l_orj_header_id);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('l_line_list : ' || l_line_list);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('l_hdr_list  : ' || l_hdr_list);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('l_line_count  : ' || l_line_count);
/* T(true) veya F(false) */
      l_copy_rec.api_version_number         := 1;
      l_copy_rec.init_msg_list              := 'T';
      l_copy_rec.COMMIT                     := 'F';
      l_copy_rec.copy_order                 := 'T';
      l_copy_rec.hdr_count                  := 1;
                          --> her api call edildiğinde bir header kopyalanacak
      l_copy_rec.hdr_list                   := l_hdr_list;
      l_copy_rec.expiration_date            := NULL;
      l_copy_rec.transaction_name           := NULL;
      l_copy_rec.copy_transaction_name      := 'T';
      l_copy_rec.copy_expiration_date       := 'F';
      l_copy_rec.version_number             := 0;
      l_copy_rec.line_version_number        := 0;
      l_copy_rec.append_to_header_id        := NULL;
      l_copy_rec.hdr_info                   := 'F';
      l_copy_rec.hdr_type                   := l_hdr_type_id;
      l_copy_rec.hdr_descflex               := 'T';
      l_copy_rec.hdr_credit_card_details    := 'F';
      l_copy_rec.hdr_scredits               := 'T';
      l_copy_rec.hdr_attchmnts              := 'T';
      l_copy_rec.hdr_holds                  := 'T';
      l_copy_rec.manual_order_number        := NULL;
      l_copy_rec.manual_quote_number        := NULL;
      l_copy_rec.hdr_payments               := 'T';
      l_copy_rec.all_lines                  := 'F';
      l_copy_rec.line_count                 := l_line_count;
      l_copy_rec.line_list                  := l_line_list;
      l_copy_rec.line_type                  := l_line_type_id;
      l_copy_rec.incl_cancelled             := 'F';
      l_copy_rec.line_price_mode            := 1;
      l_copy_rec.line_price_date            := NULL;
      l_copy_rec.line_discount_id           := NULL;
      l_copy_rec.line_descflex              := 'F';
      l_copy_rec.line_holds                 := 'F';
      l_copy_rec.line_scredits              := 'F';
      l_copy_rec.line_attchmnts             := 'T';
      l_copy_rec.line_payments              := 'F';
      l_copy_rec.return_reason_code         := l_return_reason_code;
--> kopya ile yeni oluşturalacak sipariş return tipli ise return_reason_code zorunludur !
      l_copy_rec.default_null_values        := 'F';
      l_copy_rec.new_phase                  := 'F';
      l_copy_rec.version_reason_code        := NULL;
      l_copy_rec.comments                   := NULL;
      l_copy_rec.phase_change_flag          := 'T';
      l_copy_rec.line_phase_change_flag     := 'T';
      l_copy_rec.phase_change_flag          := NULL;
      l_copy_rec.version_number             := NULL;
      l_copy_rec.copy_complete_config       := 'T';
      l_copy_rec.source_block_type          := 'LINE';
      oe_order_copy_util.copy_order (p_copy_rec           => l_copy_rec
                                    ,x_header_id          => l_query_header_id
                                    ,x_return_status      => l_return_status
                                    ,x_msg_count          => l_msg_count
                                    ,x_msg_data           => l_msg_data
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Return Status : ' || l_return_status);
      IF l_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success
         FOR i IN 1 .. l_msg_count
            l_msg        := oe_msg_pub.get (i, 'F');
            l_message    := l_message || CHR (10) || l_msg;
         END LOOP;
         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Process Order Failed Message : ' || l_message);
         /* kopyalama işlemi sonrası success olarak oluşturulan yeni sipariş aşağıdaki api ile kaydedilir !*/
                                         (p_api_version_number      => 1
                                         ,p_init_msg_list           => fnd_api.g_true
                                         ,p_header_id               => l_query_header_id
                                         ,x_return_status           => l_return_status
                                         ,x_msg_count               => l_msg_count
                                         ,x_msg_data                => l_msg_data
         IF l_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success
            FOR i IN 1 .. l_msg_count
               l_msg        := oe_msg_pub.get (i, 'F');
               l_message    := l_message || CHR (10) || l_msg;
            END LOOP;
            DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (   'Failed to Booked  : New_Header_Id : '
                                  || l_query_header_id
                                  || ' Order_Number : '
                                  || l_new_order.order_number
                                  || ' Error Message : '
                                  || l_message
                                (   'Successfully Booked  : New_Header_Id : '
                                 || l_query_header_id
                                 || ' Order_Number : '
                                 || l_new_order.order_number
         END IF;
         SELECT *
           INTO l_new_order
           FROM oe_order_headers_all
          WHERE 1 = 1 AND header_id = l_query_header_id;
         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (   'Successfully Completed  : New_Header_Id : '
                               || l_query_header_id
                               || ' Order_Number : '
                               || l_new_order.order_number
      END IF;

Mustafa Korkmaz

Oracle Applications Developer at Partnera
2005 yılında Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Endüstri Mühendisliğinden Mezun
Oldu, 2011 Yılında Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi Bilgisayar Mühendisliğinde
Yüksek Lisansını Tamamlandı,2012 Yılında Doğuş Üniversitesinde Bilgisayar
Mühendisliği Doktora Eğitimine Başladı.10 yılı aşkın bir zamandır Oracle
Ürünleri Uygulama Yazılım Uzmanı Olarak profesyonel kariyerine devam
etmektedir. İlgi alanları Middleware, CI/CD,
Oracle Database , PL/SQL , Java , Makine Öğrenmesi ve Veri Madenciliği alanlarındadır.
2 versiyon Oracle Database ' (10g, 11g) inde OCA(Oracle Certificate Associate) ve
PL/SQL Certificated Professional ünvanları bulunmaktadır.
Mustafa Korkmaz

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